Arduino basic:How to get sub string from a string in arduino
ArduinoTutorial 01:String manipulation 1 (Getting substring from a large string) hello, everyone in some cases we need small parts of the string to manipulate. here substring and index function play an important role. I am providing example code in this blog String IP = "111.222.333.444"; int FIRST_INDEX; int SECOND_INDEX; int THIRD_INDEX; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); FIRST_INDEX=IP.indexOf("."); SECOND_INDEX=IP.indexOf(".",FIRST_INDEX+1); THIRD_INDEX=IP.indexOf(".",SECOND_INDEX+1 ); Serial.print(IP.substring(0,FIRST_INDEX)); Serial.print(IP.substring(FIRST_INDEX+1,SECOND_INDEX)); Serial.print(IP.substring (SECOND_INDEX+1 ,THIRD_INDEX )); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: } more videos related to Aduino Assistance